Blog post #1 (Intro)

Well this is one of the first “assignments” I have actually wanted to sit down and work on in the last fifteen years. The brutal grind of kinder garden, all the way through those first grueling years of college classes only force fed graded papers and home works on topics such as the tedious method of learning the alphabet, to the Mishna, all the way to chemistry topics that I can’t even recall at this moment. I don’t mean to discount the worthiness of the alphabet or chemistry topics that have an effect on our everyday life, but I just find it interesting that until this point the vast majority of formal assignments have been boring, unmotivated, and effortless attempts to support the C’s get degrees attitude. Anyway, my goal is for this space to be the complete opposite. Hopefully readers and contributors will enjoy this blog and allow it to be a weekly distraction from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. At the same time I believe it can be used to share knowledge with each other and motivate us to get healthier, happier, and stronger. This blog is meant to provide a laid back environment for anyone with an interest in traveling, fitness, or food. Let me acknowledge that I am no pro regarding traveling, fitness, or food (actually looking forward to learning along the way), but I have developed a passion for all three and they bring daily inspiration and energy that helps drive the ball of life forward. Well I believe that’s enough of an introduction for now, come back for next weeks’ blog which will actually contain some useful information!